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巴哈马联邦: 海洋中心
The 巴哈马
邮箱 SS-19084
公司注册编号: 171543 B (巴哈马联邦)
尽管我们竭力回答您的所有问题,但我们偶尔也不得不建议您向我们的合作伙伴寻求帮助,如果我们这样做,我们会通知您的。 要了解与您域名到期时会出现什么情况有关的信息,请查阅我们的 合同条款 |
投诉如果您想投诉我们的任何服务,请通过以上邮件地址提交您的请求,邮件主题为"关于你们服务的投诉"。您将收到一个带独特参考编号的回复,请在所有的通信中包含次参考编号。如果您希望升级您的投诉,请通知客户服务团队,他们将把您的投诉移交给相关经理,该经理通常将会在48小时内做出及时回复。 如果您想报告域名滥用情况,请发邮件给: [email protected], 我们将及时处理您的来信。 想了解您作为注册人的权利?请访问ICANN注册人 的权利与义务 以及 注册人权利与义务 以了解 更多信息。 |
Please review our Anti Abuse Policy if you would like to report abuse. You will receive a reply with a unique reference number, please include this reference number in all correspondence. We assess each report of abuse against our terms and conditions and are only able to suspend a domain if there is a clear breach and our customer has not addressed the breach within a reasonable timeframe. For any issues relating to copyright or trademark infringement, or other abusive matters where it is difficult to validate the legality of the claim within our jurisdiction, we will notify our customer of the alleged infringement and ask that they resolve the matter directly with the reporting party.